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Request access to a thought-provoking webinar on pricing strategies in today's dynamic market landscape. In the face of turbulent times characterized by inflation, potential recession, geopolitical uncertainty, and new technologies, pricing has become even more critical and complex.
Our webinar will guide you through identifying the right pricing metric for your B2B SaaS offering. We'll discuss how to define the packaging of your SaaS offering, including features and prices, and how to incorporate different pricing methods and tools, including AI, advanced survey-based techniques, and other cutting-edge tools, such as Neuropricing and Participative Pricing.
We'll also cover how to leverage historical and prospective data when making pricing decisions. Also, we’ll present how sophisticated econometric models with AI can be used to estimate the impact of market conditions, competition, and customer dynamics on pricing decisions. Finally, we'll explore different approaches to test and validate your pricing decisions before and after implementation.
More specifically, the webinar will cover the following key topics:
1. The market today
The challenges of the market today
Why is pricing even more important and complex in our times
2. SaaS pricing: its importance and key characteristics
3. Identify the right pricing for your SaaS offering
How do we define the right pricing metric (user, usage, modules, etc.)?
How do we incorporate different pricing approaches (cost plus, value-based, competition-based, etc.)?
What are the different sources of available data (historical vs prospective data) and associated pricing tools?
How do we define the packaging (features and prices)?
4. Optimizing SaaS pricing using prospective data
Expert judgement methods (value matrix)
Quantitative methods (conjoint analysis, van westendorp, etc.)
5. Optimizing SaaS pricing using AI and specialized econometric data
Price optimization using AI & econometric models
Taking into account the competition, market conditions, and the perceived value of your offering
New research (e.g. Neuropricing) and how it changes strategic price setting
6. Testing your decisions